2024 Newsletter

ANNUAL MULTI-CLASS REUNIONS                                            

 July 2024          VOL. 65

Chip BICKERS (69), Head Coordinator of Lane High Reunions
55 Bolling Ave Circle   Palmyra, VA 22963
Email: bickersappraisals@embarqmail.com

Larry JOHNSON (68), Treasurer and Assistant Coordinator
104 Oak Forest Circle   Charlottesville, VA 22901
Email: lajohnson1950@gmail.com           

Elaine ACREE Pleasants (64), Contact for Additions or
Changes to Records
Phone: 434-591-0033 (please leave a detailed message)
Email: dandepleasants@outlook.com  
Website: LaneHSOnward.com–visit often!

 Facebook: Lane High School Annual Multi-Class Reunions


Annual Multi-Class Reunion of Lane High School
                             November 2, 2024
                           11:00 am – 4:00 pm
       East Rivanna Volunteer Fire Department
          3501 Steamer Drive, Keswick, VA 22947

 Lane Classmates from ALL classes are welcome

See page 8 for Reunion Registration Form                                                
(Required to attend)

Planned Program of Events

11:00 am      Arrival and Check In
12:00 noon   Welcome and Remarks
12:10 pm      Blessing
12:15 pm      Buffet by Wayside Takeout – called by class
 1:45 pm        School Song and Door Prizes
 2:00 pm        Pictures by Jim Carpenter – called by class

Lane High School Reunion
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the last class of 1974

          By Larry Johnson

We are looking forward to this year’s annual reunion to be
held back at East Rivanna VFD on Saturday, November 2nd.
This reunion will be a special one since it will be the 50th
anniversary of the last class to graduate from Lane High
School. As a committee, we have tried to make each year
a wonderful time of fun and fellowship, but we wanted
to try and do something unique as a remembrance of
this class and all the classes that came before it, starting
with the class of 1941 until the class of 1974. So, this year
we are making the reunion free to everyone who attends.
We can do this due to some unusual circumstances last
year, the generous donations by so many of you, as well
as the stewardship of the reunion committee over the
last 40 or so years of having these reunions. We will still
require that you mail in the reunion reservation form as
in the past. We have room for no more than 350 people,
so we encourage you not to wait until the deadline to send
in your form if you think you might be able to attend.
If you send it in and then discover you can’t come, please
let us know. We are still asking for donations to help us
cover costs of printing and mailing out newsletters, as well
as donations for the Vietnam Memorial that I will address
next. As always, we are looking for volunteers to help with
setup, which we hope will take place early Friday evening
before the reunion.
We are excited to share this time of reunion with you. More
details of this year’s reunion are included in this newsletter.
Please save the date. We can’t wait to fellowship with you this fall.

Lane High School Reunion
Honoring our Vietnam Fallen

By Larry Johnson

Jim Carpenter, class of 1968, is probably known to many
of you. A wonderful photographer and devoted champion
for the Vietnam Memorial in McIntire Park, Jim has been
instrumental in having bricks honoring the ten Lane
High School graduates installed at the park. These ten
men are:
Name                                 Class
1st Lt. Charles K. Butler    1963
Cpl. Thomas D. Grinnell    1964
Pfc. Howard Hollar           1967
Pfc. Grandville R. Jones, Jr 1959
Pfc. James M. Kardos         1968
Warrant Officer Robert E. Marshall, who would have grad-
uated in 1958, but joined the Marine Corps in 1957, his last
year at Lane
Spc. 4 Wayne D. McRay    1968
Cpt. Harvey Mulhauser    1951
Spc. 4 Clyde R. Perry         1967
Pfc. Douglas D. Wallace    1966

Our reunion committee donated the $2000 for these ten
honorees and has received a significant portion in
donations to cover this cost. Please consider a donation
to finish the cost of these bricks and to start a fund to
cover some of the cost of an anticipated pedestrian
bridge to be built in the future to make the memorial
more accessible to all.

****** NEWS OF CLASSMATES ******

(All these notes appear on the LaneHSOnward.com website. 
We list them here as a service for those who don’t use a
computer. )

Messages received from July 1, 2023 – July 2024
On July 1, Bob SNODDY (50) wrote: Thank you for still
remembering me!  I am now 91, but still hanging around. 
I go to a men’s group once a week and they always want
me to sing.  I enjoy it.  Picture is my favorite nurse.  She
lives near Palmyra, but outside of town   BOB  (Ed. note:
We lost our dear friend Bob on August 26, 2023. He will
be remembered by many as a dedicated lover of Lane
High and her graduates, helping organize reunions
each year with his beloved wife Mary Elizabeth.)

On July 1, Jessie Carr HADEN (50) wrote:  Thank you so
much good and sad information.   I live at Martha Jefferson
house and had great pleasure of having great conversations
with bill STOTT class of fifty before his passing.  He kept me
informed of Buck WOODY. Also class of fifty.   Is he on
your mailing list?  Would love current news of him.  I am
dependent on family for transportation so usually save
for emergencies.   Have a great reunion. Hello to all who
might have passed through Lane during my days there.

On July 1, Sarah MITCHELL Burnet (64) wrote: Hazen
(’63) and I are coming to the reunion in October.  We
have talked Hazen’s brothers and spouses into coming
to our place in Manakin Sabot and then going to the
reunion.  Hazen’s brothers are Robert (Bob) Burnet
(’61) and Gilbert (Gil) Burnet (’66).  We really enjoyed
the reunion last year.  I’m hoping my sister,
Linda Mitchell Cramer (’62) will be coming.  I hate
to put a damper on this email, but I have some
information on two of our dear friends for
the In Memoriam Page:
Gloria SUDDARTH Vess (’64) — 7/25/2006 
Michael Lee MULLINNIX (’63) — 7/26/2018
Thank you and your cohorts for all the hard work
you do.  With our reservation I have enclosed a
donation to help defray costs.  (Ed. Note: all
classmate deaths are posted on our
website www.lanehsonward.com)

On July 1, David FULLER (59) wrote: Good for you
and all of us left!!

On July 2, Tom MIZELL (64) wrote: I’m looking forward
to attending the Reunion in October.   Unfortunately,
Suzanne will be unable to attend.  She has now been
a resident of Bridgewater Retirement Community’s
“Joy House” skilled nursing unit since March 6.  
I share with people that she seems “Content” at
BRC. Joy House seems a wonderful fit.  We enjoy good
moments.  She enjoys singing, Fit and Fab sessions,
the other ladies at her meal table, roaming in the
unit, a host of fun things.     Thank all of you that
make these Lane Reunions Happen!  It’s on my
calendar and brings smiles when I just look at that
date circled!  

On July 2, Jeff WATTLES (62) wrote: Thank you for
your work on these reunions!  I’ll not be joining you,
but my contact information remains the same.   My
high school experience with you all remains a very
positive memory, but a rather faint one. I remember
the one time I came to a reunion, maybe in 2001. I
would see a name tag and begin to interact with
someone without any ability to recognize the
personality I had known, but after maybe 30 seconds
it was like focusing a lens from fuzzy to clear. This
happened again and again. Lovely!  Thanks again. 
All good to you and yours, Jeff 

On July 5, Woody BIRCKHEAD (53) wrote: I am still
living in Texas and I have a trip set up for November
at this time. Will you be able to post some pictures
from the reunion on facebook or can you send them
to me.  I sure hate to miss this year. (Ed. Note:
all reunion pictures are posted on our website

On July 5, Tommy HARTSELL (68) wrote: My wife
Kathy and I are full time RVers now. We sold our
house and 43 years of stuff and tore off the rear
view mirrors.   Now we’re seeing America one
lake at a time.  We book often as far as 11 months
in advance so this year we’ll be in SCarolina
during the reunion. So maybe next year.  Thanks. 
You and Larry and the crew have a great time.  

On July 15, Connie Canova wrote: Julia SHUMATE
Ewing (57) received a notice from you apparently
about a reunion.  I have not opened the mail but
want you to know that Julie passed away May 14,
2023 after a brief illness.  She is greatly missed
by her friends, family and neighbors.  I thought you
and your classmates would want to know.  She was my
best friend.

Kathleen CLARK (49) wrote I will be unable to attend. I
wish you all well and have a great HAPPY REUNION!!:

Anna BOGGS Davis (66) wrote:  Thanks to you (and your
co-workers) for your efforts in putting together the multi-
class reunion. We are encouraging 1966 Lunch Bunch to
attend, in lieu of our regular quarterly lunch gathering.
I look forward to the reunion and to seeing you. Best

Dick BRAGG (61) wrote: “Have a great day!”

Rebecca Louise DUNN Fuqua (58) wrote: Many more
have died than those listed recently from class of 1958.
Sybil Williams Mahanes probably has a total list of those
who have passed away. (Ed. Note: full list of deceased
classmates is on our website www.LaneHSOnward.com)

Millard ‘Gregg’ ELLIOTT (64) wrote: Jane, Thanks so
much for taking such good care of us!!

On August 26, Debbie Hawkins wrote: I’m writing to let
you know we won’t be able to attend the reunion this year. 
My husband, Hugh HAWKINS, Class of ’55, has had a
rough year and is in a Nursing Home .  He is doing fairly
well, but is confined to bed and wheelchair. He will be
very sorry to miss the reunion, as we have attended
almost every one that’s happened!   We have moved to
Maryland to be closer to our daughter, but miss
Charlottesville terribly!  And although I am not a
Lane HS graduate, after living 60+ years with Hugh,
I feel like a member of the clan!   Please give our
love and good wishes to all the classmates, especially
to any/all members of the Class of 55.  We will miss
all y’all this Fall.  

On September 5, DeK BOWEN (53) wrote: Sorry to
have missed last year, but hope to be with you this year.
Nothing is diffident at this age.

On October 7, Nancy OAKEY Brown (57) wrote:  Richard
and I will not be able to attend the class reunion this year.  
That  is the weekend of our great grandson’s first birthday.
Hope you  will have a great event and  that perhaps we can
attend another  year.  Richard and I still enjoy great health
and stay very busy.  He loves to play golf and  I am still
working at 84!  We were in the classes of 1956 and 1957. 
Please change our email to:  nobrown1@gmail.com

On September 22, Elena Speidel wrote: Just thought I would
mention that Bill SPEIDEL (53) is handicapped by dementia,
but still lights up at familiar Lane High names and can tell
what instrument they played in the band!  Thought he would
enjoy the reunion.

In October, Sandy MORRIS Sensabaugh (66) wrote: Thank
you so much for all your work behind the scenes to help make
this reunion possible.  This will be my first “all class reunion”
 and I’m looking forward to it.  It makes it easier to get there
 since I live in Ruckersville.  I hope this check makes it to
you on time.  I’ve been in Raleigh where my best friend
 passed and helping with arrangements.  Life here is short. 
Praying this is a happy occasion for all.

In February, Steve SHIFLETT (64) wrote:  Happy (and
more importantly at our ages) Healthy New Year!  First,
I want to thank you for all your Lane Alumni work. I
didn’t graduate from Lane but it was my favorite of
the three High Schools I attended in three states
(Texas, Virginia, and Oregon) I was an Air Force
“brat” but born in Charlottesville, the ‘epicenter”
of Shifletts (and my parents went to Lane)  Also, 
I believe we may actually have been “Raindrops”
at Clark School since I went to 1st grade there
for a while and I know a lot of the Class of ’64
were former May Day “Raindrops.” 

I ended up graduating from Corvallis High School
in Oregon after my father returned from Viet Nam
and was transferred to  Adair AFS outside of Corvallis.
I only went there the last 6 month of my senior year
but because the majority of my class went on to
Oregon State University – as I did- I got to know a
number of my high school classmates at OSU. 

I actually went to all three 50 Year Reunions, but
they were not in chronological order – the first one
SH Rider HS in Wichita Falls, Texas was the last one
held. If you’ve ever seen the movie “The Last Picture
Show” it was filmed on location in Archer City, Texas
about 25 miles southeast of Wichita Falls. I had been
there as a teenager but drove out once more since
they had filmed the movie – it was Larry McMurtry’s
hometown – he was the Pulitizer Prize winning
author of Lonesome Dove.  During the reunion
reception, I was talking with a classmate and kinda
bragging saying “This  is my third 50th HS reunion”
and he said “Oh, this is my second”  I asked him
what other HS he had attended, and he replied
 “Oh, I went to Midland High School, in Midland, Texas.
Laura Bush and I were in the same class. When we had
our  40th Class reunion it was at the White House!
Can you imagine! Your high school reunion in the
White House! 
Anyway, all that being said, I’d appreciate knowing if
any dates have been set for Lane’s 60th reunion. And
again thanks for all your efforts! 


The full list of deceased classmates appears on the
LaneHSOnward.com website. The classmates listed here
were reported to us since October 2023.
If you have additions, please contact Elaine ACREE
Pleasants (64), 434-591-0033 or dandepleasants@outlook.com

 Class First Lane Name LastDOD [if known]                                       
41 Julian Douglas THOMAS   2023-12-07
42 Wallis HUGHES   2023-10-09
43 John WOOD   2023-08-12
45 Iris HALL Burton 2023-03-05
46 Mary BIRCKHEAD Trogdon 2023-11-22
46 Gordon GRANGER IV   2024-01-06
47 Lucille PAYNE Holliday 2023-07-05
48 Edward DAY   2023-08-27
48 Thomas SLAUGHTER Jr   2023-09-19
49 George NORCROSS   2023-07-09
50 Robert SNODDY   2023-08-26
51 Harold COLLIER   2024-06-06
51 Ferrel KEANE Phillips 2024-02-25
51 Paul MAYS Jr   2023-11-26
52 Harriet BRUFFEY Hatfield 2024-06-04
52 William CASSITY   2023-06-24
53 Julia HARLOW Pace 2024-05-18
54 Richard Allen BURRUSS   2024-02-06
55 Cornelia “Neal” JARMAN Kite 2024-04-05
56 Nancy ADDINGTON Outen 2023-08-14
57 Susan DEANE Tatum 2023-12-22
57 Julia SHUMATE Ewing 2023-05-14
57 Virginia SUMMERS Carroll 2024-01-14
57 Robert TATUM   2023-12-23
58 Kenneth WEST   2023-06-?
59 Rebecca TROGDON Crawford 2024-03-21
60 Georgia Jane FOLEY REITZ 1993-02-?
61 William F. STEIGMAN   2024-04-20
63 James Ray EASTON   2024-02-13
63 Judy LANG Scruggs 2023-09-14
65 Carroll ‘Sonny’ DUDLEY   2023-10-03
65 Carol GILL Reid 2023-03-01
65 Diane JONES Houchens 2023-03-27
65 Patricia KERNS Via 2023-11-09
65 Randall MAYS   2023-11-08
65 Elsie MORTON   2023-03-27
65 Peggy MARSH Mundy 2024-04-08
66 Bernie GOODWIN   2023-08-27
66 Samuel HERRING   2023-08-29
66 Michael Shane JONES   2023-04-07
66 Linda SUDDARTH Payne 2024-03-19
67 Laura MAYO Wilkerson 2023-05-02
68 Rodez ANDERSON   2024-02-02
68 Stephen McLEAN   2023-09-01
69 Vernon Paul ROOD   2023-07-02
70 Bruce LOWERY   2024-07-05
70 Charles Franklin MUSE   2023-07-08
71 Anton James BESTEBREUTJE   2024-01-07
72 Sally CHEWNING   2023-09-26
72 Melvin Eugene WALKER   2024-05-28
72 Melvin WILLIAMS   2024-06-01
73 Craig TRAVIS   2023-08-17
            LANE HIGH SCHOOL
November 2, 2024 from 11:00 am until 4:00 pm
East Rivanna Volunteer Fire Department
3501 Steamer Drive, Keswick, VA 22947


Please fill in ALL information, we are verifying our records:
Your name:______________________________________________Class___
               First             Middle             Maiden               Last
Spouse/Guest name (circle one) _________________________Class___
Mailing Address_________________________________________________
City/State/Zip+4 _________________________________________________
Phone _________________Email ___________________________________
I (we) will be attending the Reunion on November 2, 2024.
Number attending    _____
DONATION for expenses is appreciated       $_________
DONATION for the Lane Vietnam bricks     $_________
                                    Total enclosed                $_________**

 **Make all checks payable to LANE HIGH REUNIONS and
mail to Jane SMITH Thomas               
 748 Governors Way                       Phone: 434-996-2464
Waynesboro, VA 22980          Email:
 Mail this form back if you plan to attend.    
– Rosters are available via email upon request at no cost.
We no longer offer printed rosters.
____Full roster of everyone included in our records (1941-1974)
____Partial roster of certain classes – indicate which classes___

 |__| Please indicate here if you are willing to help set
up tables and chairs before the event.  Contact Larry
Johnson at lajohnson1950@gmail.com or 434-409-6567.                                       

Don’t delay, we can only take the first 350 people
                            who register!