November 2015

November 2015 Vol.53

Bill ALDERMAN (55)
5 Baskin Ct
Palmyra, VA 22963-3015
Phone: 434-589-8767

Bob SNODDY (50)
2515 Hillwood Pl
Charlottesville, VA 22901-2922
Phone: 434-973-4935



Lane Classmates from ALL classes are welcome!
Picnic:  Friday, Sept. ?? at Darden Towe Park
3:00 p.m. until dark                   $18.00
Date will appear on the website and in the next Newsletter

The Newsletter and Reunions now include ALL Lane
Classmates to 1974.  This will be reflected in News of
, listing of any other Lane Reunions and

We encourage everyone to visit our website, frequently. Webmaster, Elaine
ACREE Pleasants (64)
works hard to keep it current
with something of interest for all Lane High School
Classmates, including a copy of this Newsletter.
Currently, you will find an interesting article, with
photos, of Lane Alumni and their antique cars.

You may request to have the Newsletter and Roster sent
by email.  (This saves the Reunion cost of postage) You may
also order a printed copy of the Roster, mailed to you, for $6.

If you do NOT wish to receive a paper copy of these
Newsletters, please email, phone or send a note. We’ll keep
you in the database (and Rosters) but discontinue mailing

If you have any change in your status that we should know
of (address, phone number, email, etc.) please notify Nancy
TYLER OAKEY (434-293-4243)

They provide the funds for printing, postage and other
Newsletter and Roster expenses. Although we do not
acknowledge your gifts individually, we are truly grateful
for all of them, big or small.  Total donations for 2015 were
$3,130. The list of donors and their hometowns is on the
website. Checks for donations should be made out to
Lane High Reunions and sent to Barbara Turner,
963 Devon
Spring Ct, Charlottesville, 22903-7833

This year we had three big, festive yellow and white tents
in place for the 2015 Lane High School Multi-class Reunion
Picnic in case the weather did not cooperate. However,
Friday September 11th, turned out to be a bright and sunny
day, sandwiched between a very rainy Thursday and Saturday.
About 230 classmates and guests attended, with every class
from 1941 to 1968 plus 1970 and 1973 represented.  The class of
1955, celebrating their 60th, had the largest group there, with
the class of 53 close behind. The classes of 50, 52 and  57 were
also well represented. (Our website has a complete list of
attendees.  Just under the picture you will find the direction
Click Here) Again this year we must thank Wayside Takeout
and Catering for the many choices of great food and their
excellent service. Thanks also go to Albemarle Parks and
Recreation for having the shelter facilities ready for us and
for helping with table and chair set-up. We had several
responses to our plea for younger classmates to help with
future picnics as our current committee ages. We will be
calling on them to take over some of the many tasks required
to keep our Lane High grads informed and to put on an
annual get-together.

As we add classmates from the 60s and 70s, we find they are
a generation in constant contact with rapidly changing
technology.  When our 9 year old grandson was a baby his
sisters were glued to a 24″ computer screen. Now, he and
the rest of his family are glued to iPhones and iPads which
do everything the computer did just a decade ago and
much more. Many of you have asked that Newsletters
and Rosters be sent by email, which we are happy to
do if you have given us your email address. Newsletters and
Reunion Registration Forms are posted on our wonderful
website (which Elaine ACREE Pleasants (64) keeps current).
However, there are still many of us who don’t depend on
social media for everything, who still prefer a paper copy
that they can actually hold in their hands and read. If you
are one of those, never fear, we will still be mailing
Newsletters to the classmates on our database who prefer
them. Help us make the Newsletters more interesting by
sending in your news. “If you enjoy reading news of
classmates, they will enjoy reading news about you!”

Many thanks to Carolyn RAMSEY (64) who contributed
copies of the Chain from 1936, 1937 and 1938 from her
uncle, James Francis COPPS (39). Nancy Oakey now has
a collection of Chains ranging from 1936 to 1969 (with the
exception of 60, 61, 62, 67 and 68) which she uses for
reference in doing her research on classmates.  If you
have a copy of these missing years that you would contribute
to the Lane High Reunion “archives”. Nancy would greatly
appreciate it. Our website ( has
Chain contents from 1940 to 1974 with the exception of 68,
70, 71 and 73. Thanks to Roy and Jane SMITH THOMAS (67)
it does have the 1967 Chain.

Perhaps some of you may have wondered how the Lane High
School website and the Database differ.

The website offers all that is necessary to be completely
connected to the activities of the Lane High Reunions
Committee. There, one can read plus print the latest
Newsletter, view a list of classmates, by year, for whom
we have a city and state address. One can also view the
Chains for years 1940-74, except 1968, 1970-71, and 1973.
There is a history of the Multi-Class Reunions, the latest
notes from classmates, and often a feature article. No
personal information is online.

The Database dates from before technology took over. It is
simply personal data that is necessary for U.S. mailing. It is
not online. In the past, a class was entered after it celebrated
its 50th anniversary, a time when a current list of members
was usually available. Classes from 1939-1961 plus 1963 and
1965 are on the database. There will most likely be no more
entire classes added because of their size.  Everything will
remain the same for those who have been on the database
for years unless one’s information changes.

One who wishes to be included in our Roster, which is
published each fall after the annual picnic, and those who
wish to receive a paper copy of our Newsletters or the
Roster will need to be added to Database. PLEASE SEND
First Name, LANE (Birth) name, last name, maiden name
(if appropriate) Class year Street address (plus any apt.
or unit #)
City and state with 9 digit zip code Phone Number
(xxx-xxx-xxxx format)
Spouse [If also Lane Alumni: Class year].
Email address How do you wish to receive your Newsletter:
by US Mail or by Email?   SEND TO: Nancy TYLER Oakey   or 434-293-4243

(Editor’s note: We have a Lane High classmate, John M.
HERR, Jr. (48).  He is a biologist (retired, but still active
at the University of South Carolina). An article appeared
in the Daily Progress about John C. Herr, a biologist at
UVA. Needless to say, some confusion resulted!)

MARY ANN McCASLAND JOHNSON (49) sent an email, I’m
not sure which of you may have heard parts of this developing
story that started when Crystal JOHNSON Coleman (54) saw
John C. Herr’s photo in the Progress and thought he was
John M. HERR, Jr. of Lane High School days.  This is an
important step in the story as John M. HERR of Lane High
announces his intention to learn more.  She sent along an
email from:
John M. HERR, Jr. (48) Yes, I have heard of others in
Charlottesville confusing me with John C. Herr (high
school folks and others). I have known of him ever since
he came to UVA Medical School, but have never contacted
him. I will do so now by e-mail. I will list the steps in the
sequence from my 7 Great Grandfather, Hans Herr, who
brought his Mennonite clan to Lancaster County, PA
sometime before 1719. And, I hope I can find out from
him his line of descent from Hans (all American Herrs
descend from Hans). Thank you for sending the article
and the biographical separation of John C. and John M.
Tell Crystal that we are both biologists but are sub-fields
apart. Love to you guys, John

Fulton DEANE (40) called to say, I would very much like
to attend, but I cannot because of poor health.

Rita MILLER Maras (41) wrote, I am glad the picnics will
continue.  They were fun, and we enjoyed them. I have
enjoyed reading the poems by Mike CARTER (42). He was
a good friend. Enclosed is a check for 2 Rosters. I enjoy
the Newsletters and the very best to all of you. 
(We called her and asked whether she wanted the 2014
Roster or would wait for the 2015 Roster. She opted for the
2014, so we sent one to Cary Jean BREEDEN (41) and
one to her)

Polly SCOTT Buntin (42) wrote, I would like to have the
Newsletter emailed to me. I really enjoy reading the news.
I am physically unable to travel, and I appreciate all the
work you people do.

Allen BERRY (43)  his wife wrote. I am enclosing a
newspaper clipping of the passing of my husband,
Allen Berry, last November.  He graduated from Lane
High School in the class of 1943, and we were pleased
to attend their 50th reunion. He appreciated and
enjoyed receiving your Newsletter, and I thank you
and all who have shared in preparing them on his behalf.

David CARTER (44)  wrote, Sorry, but I will have to miss
the fun this year. Virginia, my bride, and I will be sailing
the great rivers of Europe somewhere between Vienna,
Austria and Amsterdam, Netherlands. Hope all have a
great reunion.  Once again, many thanks for the work
all of you do. God speed.

Calvin GENTRY (45) wrote, We will not be attending this
year because Julia has been in the hospital.  (Note: They
have been faithful attendees for many years. Calvin, a
Presbyterian minister, gave the blessing at picnics and
luncheons many times).

Bettie WOOD Black (46) – I always enjoy the newsletters.
I’m glad that I can still receive the paper copy. I do not
have a computer.

Bill LUPTON (47)  wrote, Thank you for the recent
Newsletter.  I have changed my address from Rugby
Avenue to 1565 Buck Mountain Rd, Earlysville, VA
22936-1911. Warms regards, Bill.

Patricia HAWKINS Sinclair (49): I have been unable
to attend any of the reunions, but I do enjoy the newsletters.

Doris SMITH Lee (50) wrote, Many thanks for the
Newsletter and update about our class of 50 and info
about others. Just want to let you know, I have a new
mailing address. We recently moved to an independent
living home a totally new experience but we’re enjoying
it very much. Sending my sincere thanks for all you all do!

Margaret MARSHALL Fitzgerald (51) said Frank and I
are well.  We do not travel because I walk wobbly and slowly.
Best wishes to all.

Carol AULT Cheape (51) and Doug Cheape (53)  They had
already sent in their registration and acquired their plane
tickets to come home for this year’s reunion. Suddenly, we
were shocked and saddened to get the terrible news from
their daughter, Allison.  She emailed, “I am not sure if
everyone has heard that my mother, Carol Cheape, passed
away unexpectedly on Tuesday. (August 18th)”  She
included a link to Carol’s obituary that had information about
her wonderful life and her memorial service. Randy and I are
with Dad and with lots of support from friends and family,
he is hanging in there. All of their Lane High School classmates
send their heartfelt condolences to Carol’s family.

Mary SLAUGHTER (52) wrote, I live at Westminster
Canterbury in Charlottesville. I moved back here in 2004 from
Champaign, Illinois where I lived for 45 years. I am enjoying
my retirement playing golf and bridge. My brothers, Alex
(Richmond) and Ned Slaughter (Charlottesville) are fine
and I see them often.

Nancy SCHWARTZ Harris (54) (to Barbara Turner) Thanks
for collecting the donations for the all class reunions. And
thank you for all that you do for the reunions.

Orville ROOD (55)  I am planning on a trip to upstate New
York on Sept 12 through Sept 19 2015 helping folks there. I’ve
been on these trips twice  to New Orleans and to the mountains
of Virginia to help kitchen workers with VA Disaster Relief
teams. I like to hear from you and others. I married
15 July 1967 to Jean Wachsmann who graduated from
Longwood College. She taught elementary school for
20 years and I was a draftsman for Hesco Homes,
now National Building Systems. We have a son and a daughter.

Dean TILLMAN (55): (to Barbara Turner) I haven’t seen you
since your bank days. Please advise Bill (or whoever) that I lost
my wife Osa April 13 to leukemia. We were married 51 years.
I would like a printed copy of the Roster and have a check.
Sorry I can’t make the reunions, Florida is a long way.

Joyce SNOW Daniels (57) wrote, We still have children in the
east and usually make it back there a couple of times a year: but
hardly ever at the right time for the reunion. I do appreciate all
that you do to keep things going. God willing, I’ll make it for the
60th. Thanks a bunch and happy reunion.

Beverley HOOD Chura (57) emailed, A call from Susan
BROWN Craig (57)
this morning let me know that I had failed
to notify you that my email address changed ages ago. Sorry
I missed the reunion this year; hopefully I’ll be able to attend
next time. Thanks for all your hard work for the rest of us.

Gloria DEL FRANCO Naylor (58): Many thanks to all of you
who have labored to put this website together and to keep us
all connected and in the know after all these years. Email
future Newsletters to This morning I took
the time to go through the website, the reunion pictures
and my goodness, you even have the Chain student
pictures on the site! I am impressed and grateful for
your interest and dedication.  I think the only reunion
I attended was our Class of 1958 25th year Reunion.
(And wondering if there were any photos of that event
and where the heck I might have put them)! My 3
children reside in Richmond and I do manage to drag myself
away from my little South Florida condo on the Intracoastal
Waterway to visit them at least once a year. This year I have
decided to visit in October so I can combine enjoying a visit
with my family (including 4 grandchildren) with the beauty
of Virginia’s fall foliage and the celebration of my 75th
birthday.  Keep up the good work thanks to all of you.

Marlene COLO Wood (58): We would prefer to receive the
written copy of the newsletter. I think Wendell’s [WOOD (58)]
name was left off the 1958 class list.

Jimmy WILLIS (58): I enjoy hearing what is going on with my
former classmates.

Norman R. EBY (59) – What a great job you and the team are doing.
I enjoy reading the newsletter each time it is published. Spouse
Carol GLASS Eby (62) attended Lane too. She died in August
2011 from complications of ALS. Send future Newsletters by email.


Beatrice DUDLEY Maddex Powell (39) died October 14, 2015.
For years Bea worked at the Va. Tel. and Tel., currently known
as Century Link. There she did clerical work, worked in the
accounting department, and later was a supervisor training
new employees.

Francoise YOE Schneider (39) passed away March 19, 2015.
She graduated from the UVa. Francoise had a great passion
for dance whether in ballet, tap, jazz, or ballroom. Her other
great passion was tennis, and she played on several tennis
leagues well into her 80’s. She is survived by her sister,
Jane YOE Duggan (49) of Atlanta.

Lucille MAHANES Harris (40) of Lawrenceburg KY passed
away on August 15, 2015. Lucille worked at Sperry Marine
in the electronics department for a number of years.

Dorothy ‘Dot’ STAHL Pack (40) died August 11, 2015.
Dot was offered admission to the Julliard School of Music
as a teenager based on her piano playing expertise. She
declined the offer so she could marry her future husband.
She is survived by her sister, Peggy STAHL Floyd (40)
of Charlottesville.

Polly SCOTT Buntin (42) of Cambridge OH died
October 11, 2015.  Polly was a graduate of the UVa School
of Nursing, Class of 1945.  She worked in both Virginia
and Ohio in that capacity. She is survived by her sister,
Jacqueline SCOTT Jennings (49).

James William ‘Bill’ SWING (42) passed away
September 23, 2015.  In 1975, Bill and his wife,
Martha ANDERSON Swing (42) who predeceased him,
moved to a farm in Stanley VA where they pursued
their passion for farming. Bill grew crops and raised
a herd of cattle.  He was a machinist, won numerous
awards for his work, and held positions at Melpar, Scope,
Verga and had his own business.

Milton Hawthorne BRANHAM (43) died July 10, 2015.
Milton joined the United States Marine Corp. in June 1943.
He was a combat veteran, having served in Guadalcanal, in
the Philippine Islands, and at Okinawa.  After service he
attended the UVa and subsequently spent a long career
there as an engineer at the School of Engineering. Milton
is survived by his daughter, Debra BRANHAM Coffey (69).

Elizabeth PRITCHETT Barrick (43) died August 27, 2015.
Betty was one of the first women to graduate from the UVa.
She used her passion for writing and the English language
to teach at St. Anne’s and Belfield Schools. Her many talents
afforded her many opportunities as an accomplished singer,
actress, and national radio star. She played Mrs. Aldrich
on NBC’s The Aldrich Family radio show in the 1950s.
She is survived by her two brothers, Norton G.
and William PRITCHETT (47).

Charles ‘Mo’ STEVENS (43) died October 7, 2015. Mo was
a graduate of UVa and a veteran and POW of WWII. He
collected and identified over 25,000 native plant specimens
for the Harvill-Stevens Herbarium at Longwood College.
His work also contributed to the book, Flora of Virginia.
He was an avid naturalist and with John Grey, Jr. started
the Turkey Sag Bird Watching Club which became the
Monticello Bird Club.  In 2014 he was awarded a Lifetime
Achievement Award by the Albemarle County Board of
Supervisors for his invaluable explorations and
extensive notes documenting many of Virginia’s most
special places and species.

Mary Elizabeth HOY Harlow (46) passed away
July 30, 2015 at her home. Mary graduated from the
Jefferson School of Commerce.  Managing their
business affairs, she helped her husband establish
his barbering business which transitioned to shop

Arnold R. BREEDEN (47) passed away July 13, 2015 at
Brightview Baldwin Park care facility in Staunton. Between
1948 and 1951 Arnold served in the U.S. Army as Staff
Sergeant during the Korean War. He was employed at
Dominion Virginia Power for many years and retired as
storekeeper in 1988. Arnold is survived by his sister,
Joanne BREEDEN Hildebrand (50).

John N FRY (47) of Plattsburg NY died October 11, 2015.
John graduated from the UVa in 1952. He worked for the
Virginia National Bank and Miller and Rhoads Dept. Store.
He and his wife later owned and operated their own stores,
Heaven to Seven Shop and Red Lion Gifts.

Constance GEORGES Clevenger (47) of Raleigh NC died
July 20, 2015.  Connie graduated from Madison College and
worked for many years as a legal secretary for National
Legal Research Group. She was an award winning artist.
Connie is survived by her brother, Christopher
of Charlottesville.

James Warren RINKER (47) died August 5, 2015. He majored
in organic chemistry at the UVa where he earned his Ph.D.
After graduation he served in the Navy and then joined a
research and development team at DuPont, specializing in
plastics. He continued his career at Exxon before becoming an
instructor at Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge. On
three occasions he traveled to Stuttgart, Germany to teach U.S.
Army personnel via a program at the University of Baltimore
at Maryland. He returned to Charlottesville to retire where he
taught at several community colleges. Jimmy is survived by
his brother, Dennis RINKER (55).

Hope MCCAULEY Cason (48) died August 24 2015. Hope met
her husband, Lee H. Cason, while she was working at
Timberlake’s. She later worked for the phone company.
When she married Lee, Hope become a member of the
Cason clan.

Fred V MAWYER (50) of Fredericksburg passed away
September 13, 2015.  He was a sergeant first class in the
Army from 1951-1953, stationed in Germany during the
Korean War. Fred retired from Geico after more than
thirty years and from Car Quest after fifteen years.

Katherine MURRAY Davis (50) passed away
September 16, 2015 at her home. Kitty was a graduate
of Piedmont Virginia Community College and completed
the LPN Program at the UVa.

Carol AULT Cheape (51) died at her home August 18, 2015.
She attended Mary Washington College and the UVa from
which she earned a B.S. Degree in 1955. She then began a
long and productive career in education. In 1958 she and
her husband moved to Hawaii where they remained until 2006.
While there Carol earned a Master’s Degree in Education from
the University of Hawaii and continued with her career in
education.  She is survived by her husband, P. Douglas
CHEAPE (53).

Leanna DEPEW Anderson (51) passed away
November 9, 2014 in Fredericksburg after a happy
and fulfilling life. Leanna was a creative and inquisitive
person who was caring and giving to her family.
She enjoyed gardening, painting, and genealogy.
She is survived by her husband, Charlie ANDERSON (51).

Edward FEATHERSON (53) died July 19, 2015.  Ed
attended the United States Naval Academy with his twin
Keith. He also attended the UVa School of Engineering
and the Medical College of Virginia.  He served in the
military as a flight surgeon in Vietnam. Ed practiced
ophthalmology in Timonium and Westminster MD.
He was Chief of Ophthalmology at the Church Home.
He is survived by his twin brother, Robert ‘Keith’

Nan MOSES Mawyer (53) died January 19, 2015. Nan
was retired from Chesterfield County Food Service.

Betty Anne EASTON Gentry (54) of Arrington VA
departed this life July 28, 2015. She was a homemaker,
a tax preparer, and a cake decorator.  You may remember
her as ‘Busy Bee Cakes and Things’.

Ethel Ann WEINBERG Tebell (54) passed away July 8, 2015
at her home.  After a short time in college, Ethel Ann became
a stewardess for American Airlines based out of New York.
When she later returned to Charlottesville, she worked for
several employers, including Sperry. She eventually
completed her career at the UVa Medical Center, working
primarily in the Orthopedic Department, the Childrens’
Rehabilitation Center, and the Emergency Room. Ethel
Ann is survived by her sister, Joan WEINBERG Clements (48).

Frances Tyndall HANKINS Granger (55) passed away at
her home September 28, 2015. After high school Frances
attended Longwood College, worked for the UVa Medical
Center, and moved to Washington DC. There she worked
as a secretary for North American Aviation.  Frances was
most proud of her thirty-five years of service at the UVa
as Executive Assistant to the Director of the Institute of
Government. She was predeceased by her siblings,
Landon ‘Hank’ HANKINS (46) and Barbara HANKINS
Bowry (47).
She is survived by her former husband,
Gordon GRANGER IV (46).

Margo ANTHOS Sapon (57) died September 25, 2015
at Sunrise of Richmond. She was born in Brooklyn NY,
grew up in Charlottesville, and has been a resident of
Colonial Heights VA since 1965.

Malcolm ‘Mac’ Randolph PETITT (58) passed away
October 3, 2015.  After graduation from Lane High
School, Mac joined the Air Force then later became a
VA State Capitol Police Officer. He received his degree
from VCU and worked as a Probation and Parole Officer
for the Virginia Department of Corrections from which
he retired in 1995.

Carolyn COLEMAN Cawthorne (59) of Lynchburg died
September 20, 2015. She was retired from the Plaza Bowl
in 1985. Carolyn is survived by her brother, Danny
of Scottsville.

Linda THOMPSON Morris (61) died at her home in
Hedgesville VA on October 9, 2015.

Cecil Douglas CRITZER (69) departed his life
July 13, 2015. Cecil served his country in the National
Guard Reserves. He worked at Safeway.

Beverly Ann PROFFITT Karwoski (71) died
September 30, 2015. She enlisted in the U.S. Navy, served
two years, and was stationed in Florida and Hawaii.
Beverly is survived by her father, Hollis T. PROFFITT (40),
and her sister Nancy PROFFITT Guthrie (65).

Glenda Faye LOHR (74) passed away July 23, 2015.
She attended Piedmont Virginia Community College and
became a secretary at the UVa Department of Radiology.
Glenda later filled that same role at the Juvenile Domestic
and Relations Court. Later she became interested in floral
care and became a florist for fourteen years.