February 2018 Vol. 57
Elaine ACREE Pleasants (64)
4408 Dogwood Drive
Palmyra, VA 22963-4641
Phone 434-591-0033
Jane SMITH Thomas (67)
639 Big Oak Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903-9730
Phone 434-979-5932
SEPTEMBER 14, 2018
Lane Classmates from ALL classes are welcome!
Picnic: Friday September 14
– at Darden Towe Park –
3:00 PM until dark
We encourage everyone to visit our website,, frequently. Webmaster, Elaine ACREE PLEASANTS (64) works hard to keep it current with something of interest for all Lane High School Classmates, including a copy of this Newsletter.
You may request to have Newsletters sent to you by email. (This saves the cost of postage.) If you do NOT wish to receive a paper copy of these Newsletters, please email, phone or send a note to Nancy TYLER Oakey (48) (434-293-4243 or or Elaine ACREE Pleasants (see masthead). We will keep you in the Reunions database but discontinue mailing Newsletters.
If you have any change in your status that we should know of (address, phone number, email, etc.) please notify Nancy TYLER Oakey (48) (434-293-4243) or
In the days before our annual Multi Class Reunion on September 15, we anxiously watched the progression of hurricane Irma as it churned its way toward Florida, wondering how it would affect the weather in Virginia on that Friday. We had calls asking if the picnic would be cancelled but decided to go ahead with it as planned. As it turned out, we got rain from the remnants of Irma on the first three days of our picnic week, but clearing on Thursday so the tents could be set up. On Friday there were a few clouds, but we had a fine day for our gathering. As we thought of all those so devastated by Harvey and Irma in Texas, the Gulf coast, Florida, Georgia and the islands, we felt truly blessed. Almost 200 classmates and guests attended. (To see who came, click on 2017 List of Attendees by Class on the website.) We had representatives from every class from 1942 thru 1965 and also from 1940, 1967, 1968, 1971 and 1974. Our guests included quite a few spouses but also friends, children and grandchildren. Lane graduate families were Hollis PROFFITT (40) (Hollis was in the last class to graduate from the “old Lane High” up on the hill) and Nancy PROFFITT Guthrie (65), Elsom JOHNSON (43) and Jackie JOHNSON Lockwood (65) and Mary BIRCKHEAD Trogdon (46) and Susan TROGDON Barnett (68). Early Dudley (54) and Shirley ARMSTRONG Dudley (55) brought their son, Flip DUDLEY (74). Flip was from the last class to graduate from Lane. The class of 1955 had the most classmates attending (16), followed by 1957 (15), 1954 (13) and 1953 (12). Irma kept some classmates who were registered to come from Florida and Georgia from attending. Elaine ACREE Pleasants (64) maintains our database with help from Nancy TYLER Oakey (48) who is constantly searching for corrections to update the information. (Note: if you know of any corrections to the roster or of any classmates who would like to be included, please email Elaine at Elaine was able to send an up-to-date roster to ZIPrint the Friday before our picnic. Bob SNODDY (50) picked up the rosters that week and labelled them for classmates who had requested to pick them up at the picnic, saving these folks the cost ($2.24) of mailing. Most were picked up and any that were not were mailed along with all those who had requested that it be mailed to them. (Elaine will also email newsletters and rosters for FREE to anyone who requests them at the above email address.) How times have changed since some of us graduated in the 40s and 50s. (Mrs. McCue taught us to type them and print them on the mimeograph machine. Of course, we could probably mail them for fifteen cents).
Over several years, those of us on the committee whose ages ranged from late 60s to 70, 84, 88 and, yes, 91 have been constantly saying that unless some of the “young” folks stepped up, the Reunion, after 51 years, was in danger of coming to an end. Last year some fine folks decided to answer. Jane SMITH Thomas(67) stepped up to relieve Bob (50) and Mary Elizabeth ARMSTRONG Snoddy (50) of the job of registrar. She has done marvelous and efficient work receiving the registrations, getting database changes promptly to Elaine ACREE Pleasants (64), recording who is coming, who wants a roster and passing notes and messages from the alums along to be put on the website (under We Heard From). Mary Elizabeth was doubly blessed when Brenda WEAKLEY Croxton (61) and Diane PLANT Spencer (61) took over her duties as liaison with our caterer, Wayside Catering. Unfortunately, this year, Diane’s husband, Hugh, had some health concerns and Brenda worked hard by herself to make sure the food was done right for our pleasure. Of course, Elaine ACREE Pleasants has done her year round tasks of keeping the database current, and producing our stellar website, LaneHSOnward.Com, which we urge everyone who has a computer (or can get access to one) to visit frequently. Nancy TYLER Oakey (48) with her husband, Oran (43), by her side is a top notch researcher who can find you people wherever you “hide”. Barbara TURNER (55) serves year round as our treasurer, and along with her classmate, Anna Jane HAYES (55), arranges for delivery of the chrysanthemums that decorate the tables. Betty BRANHAM Paine (50) works with the Albemarle Parks and Recreation department to be sure the facility is neat and clean and that the restrooms are cleaned before the event. Who can say enough about the job that the ALDERMANS, Bill (55) and Margaret (honorary Laneite) do to produce the main event, the picnic? They rent and arrange delivery of the large tents, the tables and chairs and direct getting the tables covered with plastic. They bring to the event the plates, knives, forks and spoons. They bring tubs and coolers and the ice, water and soft drinks for before and during the meal. They bring Subway sandwiches for the crew who arrive at Noon to set up everything. Bill works hard setting up the small tents for greeting the arrivals, hanging the LANE HIGH SCHOOL banner and hooking up the sound system. Bill would be very happy to have someone take over these tasks.
The Darden Towe picnic shelter has been reserved for Friday, September 14, 2018. (This is a UVA football weekend, but, September 7, the only non-football weekend in September, was already “TOTALLY BOOKED”.
We are planning a picnic for this year because all of the people mentioned at the end of the NEWS OF THE 2017 PICNIC above have stepped up to help again. However, these loyal folks cannot go on forever. Some of the younger people from the 60s and 70s classes should step forward to assume some of these duties. If you are willing to help, email or call either Elaine or Jane whose contact information appears in the masthead of this newsletter.
On a more urgent note, we will very much need younger, stronger alums to help with setting up AND taking down afterward. These folks get Subway sandwiches and drinks for lunch as a reward. (An even greater reward is the fun and camaraderie and the feeling of being more a part of the Lane High Reunion). The same contact info from above applies
(All of these notes have appeared on the Website. We send them here as a service for those who don’t have or use a computer, or just like to hold things in their hands to read them.)
The Lane High class of 1950 lost two of our well known members in one week. Ken STAPLES (50), who for years cut the hair of many loyal customers, passed away on November 18. After graduating from Lane in 1950, Ken worked briefly for the C&O railroad, then served with the U.S. Army in Korea. After returning home, he began working with his father in Staples Barber Shop where he remained the good friend and favorite barber of many in Charlottesville and at UVA. Many also remember him from his work with the First Baptist Church, the Jaycees, the Charlottesville Lions Club shows, the Monticello Guard and the Dogwood Festival. In 1965 he, along with Jim SHISLER (52) and Bill Gentry, conceived the idea of the Dogwood Vietnam Memorial (the first public civil memorial in the USA to honor those who served and lost their lives in Vietnam and Southeast Asia). That memorial has evolved into the fine tribute that can be seen on the hill in McIntire Park above the 250 bypass. The class of 1950 is proud and grateful for his legacy of service to his community.
Joe BINGLER (50), remembered by many for his athletic ability and as an educator and coach, died on November 20. He attended Venable elementary, was a star athlete at Lane High School and then attended UVA on an athletic scholarship and in the Army ROTC. At UVA he was on the football team and ran track. After service in the Army, he returned to his home town to teach and coach at Lane High where he instilled the values of character and commitment in his players. During the unrest caused by the Civil Rights movement and integration of Charlottesville schools in the late 50s and early 60s he worked hard to bring teammates together. As assistant coach with Tommy THEODOSE (52), he will be remembered for the “streak” (1962 thru 1967) in which the Lane football team played 53 games in a row without a loss. He will also be remembered fondly by those of the baseball teams he coached. He went on to be the first athletic director at Western Albemarle. For years he could be heard doing color commentary on the Friday night high school games. In his later years he joined his beloved wife Betty Jane ENNIS (53) (who passed away in 2010) in real estate with Kirtley Realty and Century 21. He was predeceased by 3 sisters and 3 brothers. Two brothers, “Monk” and David BINGLER (52) survive him.
Rik Heidloff (59) wrote: Oops! I missed it! End of summer to now has been a jumble of days with too much confusion of purpose to be sensible. I won’t try to go beyond that. I hope the picnic turned out well, with good attendance. It is occurs in mid-September, it doesn’t always fit my activity calendar. Enclosed check to help defray expenses and to cover the cost of mailing a 2017 roster. Not an email person so I still participate with snail mail. Impressive how the numbers of “found” alums swell the size of said publication. Much appreciation for your and others efforts to make Lane H.S. Alumni Association a benefit to our membership.
(This note was delayed in the mail and not received until October 2017. We regret not being able to inform her of the recent reunion.) Linda Hartman Crate and David Hartman, Jr. wrote:
I just wanted you and the reunion committee to know my father David B. HARTMAN (class of 39) passed away September 3rd, 2016. We had brought my father to the reunion picnic 3 or 4 years ago, and he had such a good time. We even have a picture of the WWII vets there. He loved his Charlottesville memories as we did. Growing up with 4 brothers (all WWII vets) and a sister on Ridge St., Dad always had memories about their young adventures! His younger brother, Richard, was killed in WWII and Dad was able to visit his grave in Belgium (Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery and Memorial) even in his 80s. Enclosed is his obituary. My regret is that we did not put it in the Charlottesville paper, as well as not mentioning his growing up years there. There was too much to think about at the time. Going through pictures, I found many of the reunions and Dad laughing and dancing. That’s how we want to remember him. Please accept this donation for the next reunion and let us know when it is planned. Thank you for all you do to keep the memories alive.
Molly Cash Germash wrote: I am emailing to let you and the group know that my mother, Jacqueline CASH Haden (46), passed away June 6, 2017. She wouldn’t have been able to attend this reunion as travel was difficult for her at this stage. Blessings to all those who are able to come. Hope you have a great time.
Pat WILSON Congdon (54) wrote: Thank you for all your help with the newsletters!
Virginia MASSEY Rowe (49) wrote: Enclosed is a donation to go towards the process of getting the newsletter printed and mailed. Thank you for all the time you spend on all of the Lane High news.
Orville “Cliff” ROOD (55) sent the following from The Martinsville Bulletin: ” Mr. and Mrs. O. Clifford Rood of Gaynor Heights, Martinsville, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary recently at First Baptist Church where they were married on July 15, 1967 by Rev. J. Finney Williams. The event was hosted by Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rood of Waynesboro and Mr. and Mrs. Matthew K Uselton of Moneta. The Roods have two grandsons, Wyatt and James Uselton. Mrs. Rood is the former Jean Wachsmann of Stony Creek.”
Hunter HUGHES (55) wrote: I enjoy the newsletter!
Jean FRIEDLEIN Zipperer (54) wrote: Regrettably, I am unable to attend this year. Thank you for all your work on behalf of Lane High alumni.
Carolyn QUARLES McIlnay (55) wrote: Sorry I can’t make it this year. Hope the weather cooperates and a great time is had by all.
Dr. Robert D. SMITH (52) wrote: Keep up the good work. I enjoy the newsletter.
Stuart Richardson Dopp (58) wrote: I cannot attend the reunion, but would love an emailed roster. Thanks.
Maxine CRADDOCK BURTON (49) wrote: Thanks for all the work you do to keep us connected. We enjoy the newsletter so much. We wish we could still attend the picnic, but the wheelchair is not user friendly on the park terrain. We have fond memories working on the “Reunion Committee” with the “Sadler Sisters”- Mildred, Jean, and Sarah Beth. We engaged Stuart Bruce to make the “Lane High School Onward” banner. We are still at Rosewood Village, Hollymead. It has been seven years. Coty Lang (47) and Catherine BURTON Javins-Harlow (44) are also here. We often see Hunter Lang (49) and Betsy Betts Lang (48) at our activities – Bingo, church, P.T. classes, etc. Please accept our donation to help with expenses. Best wishes, love and hugs, God Bless!! Henry L. (47) and Maxine Craddock Burton (49).
Opal H. Eary wrote: Thank you so much for your recent newsletter. Richard F. Eary – class of 1950 passed away on 04-25-17 at age 85. He is greatly missed by his family and friends. We always enjoyed the reunions and tried to be there as his health permitted. I will miss visiting with his classmates. We really enjoyed the 50th reunion in 2000.
Helen MOORE Costello (53) wrote: I am still very active. I volunteer as a Docent at a Historic Village, Garden Club and Movie Club. So much fun at Lane High School, the fifties were a great time to be a teen. Hello to all!
Anne WOOD Sweeney (51) wrote: Please continue to send me the newsletter.
Ellen PASCHALL Johnson (55) wrote: Enclosed is a check to cover the cost of printing and mailing a roster and alumni news to me. Thank you and all who are involved in keeping alumni informed. I wish that it were possible for me to attend the reunion. However, I will not be able to attend, but I will be looking forward to hearing about the good time had by all. Are you, by chance, the Jane Smith that attended Belmont Baptist Church when you were a young girl? If so, you will recognize me by my maiden name of Paschall. If you are the “little Jane” I knew, then your older sister Jean and I were friends and you had very precious parents. If you are not the Jane I knew, then please excuse the little personal note. (Ed.note – our Jane SMITH Thomas (67) is the “little Jane” she knew)
Ed DAY (48) wrote: So many thanks for keeping us up to date on the newsletters. We will not be able to attend the September Reunion – too close to the Montpelier Races which Emma wants to attend as it is a family gathering that takes place once a year. A note for Jim Shisler about VietNam & SE Asia. My nephew, Thomas D Grinnell is on that memorial. His father was a marine fighter pilot WWII, late & Korea who was killed in 1952 off of Cherry Point N.C. When I came back from Nam in August 1968, I went by the Young Mens Shop to get some casual clothes. I was confronted by a person that ventilated about VietNam – almost confrontational. I was too worn out to respond, but my bride did. Ask Jim Shisler if he could put together a gathering of all vets (Vietnam) in Charlottesville to see if they could have a reunion. Only the dead came back from that war (A.P. O’Mera). With warm regards, Ed
Eleanor O’Meara Hare (54) wrote: Thank you so so much for the Lane High School Newsletter. It is so interesting to read about the activities of classmates that I lost contact with many years ago. Please send the newsletter by email, I do not need a paper copy. I especially appreciate the website and the copies of The Chain posted there. Thanks to all of you who keep us connected.
Gloria NAYLOR DelFranco (58) wrote: Oh, no, I can’t believe I’ve done it again! I finally book a flight to Richmond to see my family and pop over to Charlottesville for old times’ sake, and I’ve missed the reunion date by 5 days! I will have to do some better planning for my 60th (OMG) reunion. Even though I’ve only made it to one reunion (my 25th) I hope to make it next year and I’ll be sure to check with you all before I book a flight!Thanks for all that you do to keep this thing alive. Wait, I think I can hear our school song playing in the background. Amazing how 60 years later, one can still remember it!!! Gloria Naylor
Sarah FAULCONER Carlton (43) wrote: Sorry I will not be attending the reunion this year. I will be 93 in October and am blessed to be able to live alone in my little condo. Thanks for the newsletter and a big hello to all of my classmates of 43. May God bless, Sarah Faulconer Carlton
Mary M. Keffer wrote: Lynn MARKWOOD McClench (45), my mother, passed away on June 2, 2017. Please pass this news along to your mailing list in your newsletter, if you like. Then please remove her from your list. Thank you, Mary M. Keffer
Alice CARTER Gullick (43) wrote: I am so sorry that I will not be able to attend the reunion this year. As a rule, I go to Virginia in early August to visit my family and celebrate my birthday, and I find it too difficult to make the trips so close together. I would like to continue receiving the newsletter by mail. I enjoy it so much and want to thank everyone who works so hard to keep us in touch. Enclosed is a check to help with expenses.
Woody BIRCKHEAD (53) wrote: Elaine, it was great getting the newsletter about the reunion and about classmates. I was especially glad to hear about Jim Shisler and Kay Lightner. Glad they are still active. I think a part of my last letter got a bit mixed up with Jack Reitz (53). I went to Korea, went to University of Virginia, and graduated from Loyola with a BSBA degree. No problem. I am still debating the reunion. Want to come but hate that trip around Washington. Thanks for all your efforts.
George FOUSSEKIS (64) wrote: Elaine, Just wanted to echo everyone else’s sentiments and let you know how much I appreciate all your hard work. This is the main connection we have right now with our classmates. George
Dave CARTER (44) wrote: Elaine, I’ll have to miss you guys this year – will be in Great Britain. Have a great outing, Dave
Susan HUFFMAN Male (64) wrote: Elaine, Thank you for the newsletter and for keeping us so informed of what is going on with our classmates. I did not know about David and his health issue but am so glad to hear he is better and getting healthier each day. My best wishes to you and David. Susan
William L. ANAS (57) wrote: Thank you for this notification. We will not be able to attend this year’s reunion. Hope you all have a wonderful time.
See for the full text of most of these obituaries.
Betty LACY Strickler (36)
September 28, 2017, Charlottesville VA
Gordon WHEELER (38)
September 7, 2017, Gordonsville VA
Gilbert S. CAMPBELL “Gil” (39)
January 9, 2018, Little Rock AK
Virginia CAMPBELL Woodford (39)
October 12, 2017, Charlottesville VA
David HARTMAN (39)
September 3, 2016, Christiansburg, VA
Edward WITT (40)
October 23, 2016, Foxfield Glade TN
Nancy MAYO Knight (41)
August 14, 2017, Williamsburg VA
Marguerite “Peggy” STAHL Floyd (41)
February 6, 2018, Charlottesville VA
Mary Lee MORRIS (42)
October 27, 2017, Charlottesville VA
Charles C. QUARLES (43)
November 28, 2017, Hockessin DE
2017, Charlottesville VA
Leighton TURNER (43)
January 4, 2018, Howardsville, VA
Lucy COLCOCK Claiborne (44)
July 20, 2017, Charlottesville VA
Martha “Ellen” MOON Morris (44)
December 9, 2017, Charlottesville VA
Margaret MARKWOOD McClench (45)
June 2, 2017, Blacksburg VA
Jacqueline CASH Haden (46)
June 6, 2017, Peaster TX
Doris Marie SMITH Houchens (46)
August 2, 2017, Charlottesville VA
Evelyn PAGE Roberts (48)
February 14, 2018, Charlottesville VA
Joseph L. BINGLER (50)
November 20, 2017, Charlottesville VA
Richard Forrest EARY (50)
April 25, 2017, Ruther Glen VA
John “Jack” Newton FARIS (50)
January 16, 2018, Amherst VA
Raymond R. PHILLIPS (50)
November 1, 2017, Charlottesville VA
Kenneth A. STAPLES, Sr. (50)
November 18, 2017, Charlottesville VA
Edward BOGER (51)
August 4, 2008, Attleboro MA
Patsy Jean BUTLER Marshall (51)
June 3, 2013, Charlottesville, VA
Kay DeYOUNG Brown, (51)
February 10, 2018, Charlottesville VA
Julius R. “Buddy” JOHNSON (52)
July 31, 2017, Virginia Beach VA
David Joseph MATACIA (52)
January 19, 2018, Kensington MD
William A “Bill” BLACKWELL (53)
May 1, 2017, Gainesville VA
Jean Lee ANDERSON Chapman (54)
January 10, 2018, Richmond VA
Emily BOLAND Batten (54)
December 21, 2017, Charlottesville VA
Constantine “Dean” CONDOULIS (54)
September 18, 2008, Palm Springs CA
Mary Lee TEEL Webb (54)
February 4, 2018, Charlottesville VA
Walter David MARSHALL (55)
February 13, 2017, Matthews NC
Edward “Frank” MELTON (56)
November 22, 2017, Charlottesville VA
John Charles SHAUGNESSY (56)
January 3, 2018, Charlottesville VA
Roland Michael SMITH (56)
October 29, 2014, Jackson NJ
Constance JONES Runyeon (57)
September 25, 2017 Lady Lake, FL
Marvin B. PAYNE (58)
November 27, 2017, Charles Town WV
Delma WOODSON Butler (58)
February 19, 2018, Charlottesville VA
Gene SPEARS (59)
July 27, 2013, Fredericksburg VA
Judith BROWN Birckhead (60)
August 26, 2017, Charlottesville VA
Mary Jane CANNON Wade (61)
September 21, 2017, Richmond VA
Helen TAYLOR Upman (62)
December 8, 2017, Charlottesville VA
Elizabeth Ann CRITZER Deane (64)
December 6, 2017, Charlottesville VA
Lindsey PETERS Christiansen (64)
March 1, 2017, Princeton NJ
Julian Thomas VIA (66)
August 12, 2017, Salem VA
Carol Jean TATE Craig (67)
March 1, 2017, Charlottesville VA
Charles Dennis VEST (67)
September 26, 2017, Midlothian VA
Carolyn TAYLOR Tompkins (69)
September 12, 2017, Charlottesville VA
Thomas Lawrence PHIPPS (74)
September 24, 2017, Charleston WV